Friday, October 25, 2013

Haunted Roads: Harrison Avenur's Dead Mans Curve

In Cincinnati along Harrison Avenue there is a sharp turn given the name, Dead Mans Curve, due to all the fatalities. The legend is that a phantom hitchhiker walks the roadside, instilling drivers with a sense of fear and panic. While many never see the phantoms face, those that have say he is burned to the bone, with flesh hanging from his decaying face.  They say that the hitchhiker is the ghost of a molasses truck driver from 1953 who failed to make the final curve. The driver bowled over a pole and went through an entire block before ending in the kitchen of a first floor apartment. While the driver was still alive, the propane tank that heated the molasses exploded and he burned to death. Could this phantom hitchhiker be the ghost of the truck driver? Or is he just a figment of peoples overactive imaginations.

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